Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
Course aims
- To provide students in Year 13 the opportunity to showcase the independent learning skills required for Post A Level study.
- Pursue research into a personally chosen area of academic interest.
- To gain up to 28 additional UCAS points.
- The EPQ offers students the opportunity to improve their recruitment potential by offering something additional to their A Level programme.
Assessment criteria
- Delivery of the EPQ will involve one taught lesson per fortnight in a group and one supervision session per fortnight, one-to-one, with a nominated supervisor.
- Assessment is 100% coursework. Students will submit a detailed production log, either a 5,000 word report/dissertation, or a shorter report of 1,500 words to accompany an artefact.
Entry requirements
A positive attitude to learning grades in Year 12; an interest in learning about the academic research process and a desire to learn. The qualification requires extended autonomous work, and the guideline time commitment is 120 guided learning hours in total.
The qualification is offered at the end of Year 12 with submission no later than February of Year 13.
Exam Board: AQA
For more information about the EPQ qualification, please refer to page 41 of our Prospectus.