Sixth Form Open Evening, Jeans for Genes, and Masterchef (Sixth Form style!) are just some of the things that have been taking place this term…

New Term, New Start!

Way back at the beginning of September we welcomed our new Year 12 cohort to Sixth Form; as well as many familiar faces, we were also delighted to meet many students who have joined us from different schools.

We have been extremely pleased with how Year 12 have settled into Sixth Form during the course of this term.

Mr Elmes addressing Year 12 on their first day in September.

Jeans 4 Genes

This term, Sixth Form students donned their jeans to raise money for Jeans for Genes. The Jeans for Genes campaign raises awareness of the daily challenges faced by those living with a genetic condition and raises money to fund projects that make a tangible difference to the lives of those affected. A total of £383 was raised for this brilliant cause.

Tutor group 12MBR were not only celebrating the success of the money raised, but were also the proud winners of the coveted, Jeans for Genes plaque!

Sixth Form students in their jeans on Jeans for Genes Day
This year it was 12MBR who were victorious!

Raff Marioni

Year 12 Historians recently took part in an online presentation and discussion with Raff Marioni. Raff is the ex president of Newcastle Student Union, history graduate and now a PR and communications executive focussing on sustainable development, Two students who took part (Harriet Yeates and Holly Gibbs) have written about the presentation:

“We had the pleasure of having a talk about history at Newcastle University and the job opportunities which studying history opens. We were told about the importance of Student Unions, the academic step-up from 6th Form to University, and the importance of studying broader subjects like history. It was very useful for students considering studying history at a higher level, and those who were interested in going to Newcastle University.”
Harriet & Holly Year 12

Raff Marioni

Sixth Form Open Evening

On Thursday 7th November we opened our doors to prospective sixth form students and their families for our annual open evening. We welcomed Year 11 students currently at CCS as well as many students from other schools. The evening consisted of welcome presentations by Mr Elmes as well as subject information sessions delivered by our teaching staff and student subject ambassadors.

Clinical Skills Workshop

A group of Year 13 students recently completed a clinical skills workshop where they learnt about vital signs and monitoring, ADL, respiratory conditions, managing asthma attacks, and sepsis. These skills will hopefully come in handy should they choose to pursue a career in healthcare and will make a great addition to their personal statement/CV. They also had the opportunity to use clinical equipment such as: stethoscopes, pulse oximeters and blood pressure monitors.

Sixth Form students with their certificates of completion for the Clinical Skills course.

Sixth Form Rugby

“On Wednesday 23rd Oct the first XV played Balcarras school. The game started off slowly with a lack of energy and aggression from Campden and we found ourselves in a difficult situation 2 tries down at half time. At the start of the second half the score improved slightly to 19-7 after a try from Dylan, but this was nullified by a quick try in response by Balcarras, which meant the difference between the teams was 19 points with only 25 minutes to play. The Campden XV lifted their energy, and started to play to their ability, scoring 2 tries, one from Josh and the other from Dylan again. However, due to some ill discipline from Campden more points were conceded. Campden raised their game again and scored another try which saw the difference down to 3 points. However, Campden couldn’t make any further inroads and ultimately came away with a 29-26 loss. It was a good game with a lot of learning points going forward.”
Dylan Kingswood Year 13

Following this match the team went on to win against KES with a 14-10 victory!

Sixth Form Netball

“The netball A team has shown progress since the start of the year. In our first match against Pates, it was a close game, but they narrowly came out on top. Lauren Savidge who makes an amazing GA, was deservedly awarded player of the match. In the second game, we faced KES and lost the game but only by a few points with Eliza Marshall earning player of the match for her standout performance. Finally, all our hard work paid off this week with a strong win against Ulster Grammar School where Poppy Bilbrough got player of the match.”

From No 10 to Chipping Campden

On November 8th, a successful Q&A event was held featuring the Member of Parliament for Stratford upon Avon, Manuella Perteghella. The event was organised by Hugh Markham and Hanna Kesic, who managed the preparations to ensure a productive evening.

The night was marked by engaging discussions and insightful questions from attendees, allowing students to gain a deeper understanding of the values of the Liberal Democrat party. Manuella Perteghella provided valuable insights into her role and the issues facing the constituency, making it a memorable experience for everyone involved.

Hugh and Hanna pictured with Manuella Perteghella.

Mathematical Success!

This term has been a busy one for our Sixth Form mathematicians! The competitions began in September with the Mathematical Olympiad for Girls in which four of our female mathematicians tackled five challenging problems in this 2.5-hour competition, representing the school with pride. Next up, all of our A Level Mathematicians and Further Mathematicians took part in the Senior Maths Challenge. The challenge comprises of 25 multiple choice questions requiring students to not only use the maths taught in lessons but also their lateral thinking skills to find the correct answer. Each correct answer is worth 4 marks but guessing it not an option as incorrect answers are penalised with a mark deduction. This year, CCS students did incredibly well and achieved 20 bronze certificates, 13 silver certificates and 3 prestigious gold certificates collectively. Any student earning a Gold qualifies for the follow-on rounds of the competition designed to challenge and extend the very best mathematicians across the country. A big well done to our 3 Gold mathematicians – Tyler Moodley and George Swayne who qualified for the Senior Maths Kangaroo and Rupert Hudson who represented CCS in the British Mathematical Olympiad. 

Remembrance 2024

Representatives from the school which included two of our Head Prefects joined other members of the local community to mark Remembrance Sunday. Sixth Formers also helped to visit tutor groups selling poppies, snap bands etc. We were delighted that as a school we raised £417.69 for The Royal British Legion.

Watch Out! There’s a Pudsey About!

Year 13 student Millie Croxson was recently offered a very unique opportunity… a chance to be part of Children In Need as none other than Pudsey Bear himself! Here Millie tells us more about her Pudsey experience!

“In November I had the fantastic (and kind of hilarious) opportunity presented to me to be Pudsey for BBC’s regional broadcast of Children in Need for the borough of London. This involved not only the fun of being a celebrity for an hour, but also really unique work experience in a field where placements are seldom offered. Seeing the behind the scenes action, and watching so many amazing people work together to put on a successful show was really inspiring.

Children in Need went on to raise £39.2 million, all of which will go towards helping disadvantaged young people in various different ways, and being a part of raising that amount was a very rewarding experience for me.”

The Great Debate

“Politics student Annabel Oliver in Y13 took part in the Gloucestershire heat of the HA Great Debate this term. There were nine other schools from the county taking part (including private schools, like Cheltenham Ladies). I was delighted when Annabel beat most of her competitors and came runner up! Her speech was really excellent and it was well deserved against some tough competition.”
Mr T Dove

Huge congratulations to Annabel!

Annabel with her Great Debate certificate.

13SHE Cook up a Storm!

As part of their tutor assembly, 13SHE brought Masterchef to Chipping Campden School! The aim of the assembly was to show three easy, healthy, and nutritious meals which can all be prepared and cooked quickly. In an extremely brave move, the tutor group cooked three dishes live in front of their peers, the dishes were then sampled by our three distinguished judges – Mr Elmes, Mr Steeds and Mrs Hayward. After a very tightly fought, tasting contest the fruit crumble came out on top (although Mr Steeds particularly enjoyed the fried rice!).

A huge well done to 13SHE for their unique and very tasty assembly!

Work Experience

Year 13 Media student Jasmine recently undertook some virtual work experience through ‘Speakers for Schools’. The charity helps to ensure that “14-19-year-old students can join high-quality and employer-led in-person work placementsvirtual work experience, or hybrid placements from anywhere in the UK.”

Here, Jasmine tells us a bit more about her placement and how it will help her moving forward:

“The Bristol creative work experience week was extremely useful for giving me insight into not only the roles and responsibilities of people in certain media fields but also for setting out the options for me to reach my desired career. Without this opportunity I would have never been able to plan in advance for the life I want. Bristol creative are very welcoming of questions and always try their best to make sure everyone understands the answers. All in all a very insightful experience.” Jasmine Reeves Year 13

Ministries 2024-2025

Here the students introduce our four Ministries, each ministry is led by one of our Sixth Form Head Prefects.

The Ministry of the Environment and Sustainability

“On the week commencing the 14th of October, the committee worked together to advertise National Recycling Week – spreading awareness about the damage that pollutants and single-use materials can cause to the natural world. To promote conscious recycling both inside and outside the school, in January we are hosting a House Recycling Challenge for all year groups – a week of single-use plastic collection to instigate positive habits to reduce pollution. Later on in the year we are planning to construct a well-being garden in the school grounds, making a safe space for students to relax in nature, socialise and escape from the sometimes overwhelming school environment.”

The Ministry of the Environment and Sustainability led by Head Prefect Luke Wilson.

The Ministry of Mental Health and Wellbeing

“This term, the mental health ministry has discussed the changes that we want to see around the school in both our own year groups and the school as a whole, which will create an action plan for our following term together. Currently we are working on our ministries official display board, so that we can advertise our members and our ethos.”

The Ministry of Mental Health and Wellbeing led by Head Prefect Evie Grover.

The Ministry of Community and Inclusivity

“As the Ministry of Community and Inclusivity, we aim to support our school community and promote inclusivity across our already welcoming school. We believe that the shared values we have is an essential part of being a CCS student. Our first few meetings have seen ideas of how we could bring the wider school community together, with possibilities of more events, house competitions and charity work. The Diana award has done a lot of work on anti-bullying and ensuring school is a safe and inclusive space for everyone, and we are keen to support initiatives like this that promote community and inclusion. This term, we also delivered an assembly on human rights to each year group, bringing to light its importance on a global and local scale. Next term, we are going to trial a new feedback system to improve student voice, taking on the advice and ideas of our own community to make our school the best it can be with the input form the rest of the school.”

The Ministry of Community and Inclusivity led by Head Prefect George Swayne.

The Ministry of Learning and Literacy

“Our aim as the Learning and Literacy Ministry is to empower our fellow students to excel academically and to realise the value of learning within our school community. During our first few meetings we have decided on actions we can implement within our school to achieve our aims. This includes setting up various extracurricular clubs led by both older and younger students, particularly focusing on the importance of revision. We have also been reaching out to authors and lecturers to inspire and promote interest within chosen topics through talks or workshops. Currently, we are working on creating revision guides for KS3 (who often miss out on these useful resources) on the core subjects, Maths, English, and Science. We feel that to become academically invested in a subject students need go further outside the curriculum and we hope to give all students the opportunity to do this.”

The Ministry of Learning and Literacy led by Head Prefect Georgina Jackson.

Christmas Jumper Day 2024

It was our annual #christmasjumperday this term; nearly £200 was raised for Save the Children. We would like to say a big thank you to all the students and staff that donated.

Year 13 students looking very festive in their jumpers!

Sixth Form Pen Award!

Mr Elmes was delighted to present the Sixth Form Pen Award to the winners for this term. Huge congratulations to Crystall Scarrott (Year 13) and Isabella Prince (Year 12)!

Crystall collecting her pen award
Isabella collecting her pen award.

Christmas Kindness

13VE brought a sprinkle of Christmas kindness to a care home in Bromsgrove by writing the residents’ birthday and Christmas cards. Mrs Edmunds was delighted with the joy this gesture brought to the residents and was able to get some photos of some of them reading their cards. Thank you 13VE!

Finally, the Sixth Form Team would like to take this opportunity to wish all our readers a very Happy Christmas and New Year!