Amongst many other events and activities, this term we bid farewell to our Year 13 students. They ended their CCS journey with a trip down memory lane, a final assembly and a wonderful Dinner Dance at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Stratford-Upon-Avon.
Future Aspirations / Careers
Former student Callum gave a virtual talk and Q&A session to our Health & Social students alongside two of his colleagues from Moreton Hospital. They all talked about their individual journeys into the NHS, the opportunities they have had, and their future plans. They also gave the students an insight into their daily life and what their jobs entail, such as, shift patterns, responsibilities and general day-to-day tasks.

Police Force
We were also delighted to welcome back to CCS Sixth Form, Bleu Campbell who left Campden in 2016 and is now a serving police officer. Bleu discussed her route into the police force (she started as a PCSO) but also discussed other ways to join the police, for example, via a degree apprenticeship. Bleu chatted to our students about her job and what it can look like on a daily basis such as her shift patterns and the types of scenarios she may encounter. She also talked about the different options and opportunities within the police force, such as, dog handling, armed response, and detective work. Bleu kindly let students handle her police vest (which weighs a stone!) as well as her equipment including hand cuffs and baton.

Degree Apprenticeships (Engineering)
Former students Abi and Jake also visited this term to talk about their degree apprenticeships with ProDrive and Ricardo. They delivered a fantastic presentation which included information about how they secured their apprenticeships (the A Levels they took etc), what their apprenticeships involve including the similarities and differences between them, the benefits of completing a degree apprenticeship and the future opportunities that could be available.

TCC Art Competition
2023 is the 150th anniversary of The Technology and Construction Court (TCC), a major specialist Court that deals with disputes about building, engineering and all kinds of technology including software. The TCC is based in the Rolls Building, a spacious and modern courthouse in London’s legal heartland.
As part of the anniversary celebrations, a competition was launched for young artists, with the theme being Construction or Technology. The winning entries will be displayed as part of the 150th anniversary exhibition at the Rolls Building.
Year 13 student Madeleine Turner decided to enter, and after a huge amount of hard work produced a piece based around the fire at Notre Dame. Below you can see her initial plan of the art work and then the final piece which she submitted. Sadly, Madeleine’s piece did not secure one of the winning positions; however, her talent for Art is evident and we sincerely congratulate her on her entry. Well done Madeleine!
Here she explains a little more about about the thinking behind her entry piece:
I entered this into the TCC 150th Anniversary art competition; this piece coincides with the theme of ‘Technology and Construction’, that was required to apply. My painting, ‘The Parisian Conflagration’ (76cm x 61cm), highlights the faults of modern-day technology through the fire of the Notre Dame, which started due to the fault of a new electronic bell system put in place. I wanted this piece to illuminate the beauty of this building by including elements and ideas of construction to emphasise the hard work behind such historic landmarks around the world. Overall, the image of the fire juxtaposing ‘what once was’ helps create an evocative tone to a past, yet devastating, tragedy.
Madeleine Turner Year 13

PJ Day 2023
In May we held our annual PJ Day to raise money for a chosen charity. This year our Sixth Form charity committee decided that the money would go towards the 3580 fund. Both students and staff donned their PJ’s and enjoyed a comfy, sleepy day while also raising over £600 for a very worthwhile cause.
Students vs Staff!
The atmosphere was similar to a Wimbledon final when Year 13 students challenged staff to a rounders match. Both teams played brilliantly, but after a tense battle, age and wisdom overcame youth and enthusiasm and the staff were once again triumphant!
Year 13 Nostalgia Day
Year 13 stepped back in time and celebrated their ‘Nostalgia Day’. Dressed in their old uniforms they enjoyed a day of reminiscing with fellow students and staff.
Year 13’s Final Day
On May 12th we bid farewell to our Year 13’s; the day included signing of Yearbooks, a final assembly of memories, photos, awards and fantastic student performances, as well as a BBQ.
Brain Day!
This term Y12 Psychology students took part in a neuroscience ‘Brain Day’ with Dr Guy Sutton. They got to dissect and hold a real sheep’s brain and were given insights into the future of the brain, learning how the technological advances are shaping the field. They found the day inspiring and it also helped them develop their understanding of Biopsychology for their A-level Psychology course.
We would also like to thank parents, students and the wider community for coming to the evening lecture which was attended by over 120 people. The session looked at the Teenage Brain and gave theoretical and practical tips to help developing adolescents. The feedback from the vent has been overwhelmingly positive.

Slapton Trip
The Year 12 Geographers spent 4 days at Slapton Sands, Devon back in May. They were very busy completing human and physical Geography fieldwork, within the village of Slapton and along the coastline. Students then chose their own study area and collected data for their personal NEA investigations. They were fuelled by full English breakfasts and homemade cakes from the field centre! This was a wonderful opportunity for the students to have independent fieldwork experience.

HE Day
In June, it was the Year 12 Higher Education Day. Representatives from the University of Bangor, Oxford Brookes University, UCFB, University of Coventry and Workpays (Apprenticeships) delivered sessions covering a range of topics including ‘How to choose the right course’, ‘Personal Statements’, ‘The Application Process’ and ‘Apprenticeship Opportunities’. We also welcomed Rob from Projects Trust who spoke about taking a gap year and the opportunities it can bring, as well as Sergeant Kavanagh from the RAF who delivered a presentation to students particularly interested in a potential career in the military.
Duke of Edinburgh
This term, students undertaking their Gold D of E completed a practice expedition to Exmoor. This was in preparation for their assessed expedition to the Isle of Skye which has taken place during the last week of the school term. The third photograph is from the Isle of Skye expedition sent through by Mr Steeds – it looks like the weather is being kind!

Head Prefect Team 2023-24
After a student and staff vote, we were delighted to award the positions of Head Boy to Tom Cox, Head Girl to Olivia Kingswood, Deputy Head Boy to Oliver Medley and Deputy Head Girl to Vienna Davies. With the help of the other senior prefects the team have a busy year ahead organising charity events, representing the school and helping out at school events such as our Sixth Form Open Evening. We know that they will work hard and make us and the school proud.

Pride Fundraising Day
To celebrate Pride Month our new senior prefects (led by the LGBTQ+ committee) organised a day of fundraising within the Sixth Form to raise money for Gay Glos and The Trevor Project. The committee were delighted to raise just shy of £130 for both charities which provide information and support to LGBTQ young people.
Sixth Form Induction Days
We were delighted to welcome all our Sixth Form Applicants for their Induction Days this term. During their time with us they were able to meet their fellow applicants, attend taster A Level lessons, chat to staff, and get a feel of what life will be like as part of our Sixth Form. We look forward to seeing them again on Results Day in August.
Year 12 Work Experience
Over 165 of our Year 12 students spent the last full week of the term at various work experience placements, some with local employers and some more further afield. Placements this year include: Campden BRI, Talyllyn Railway, National Trust Croome, JH Gabb Solicitors, University of Warwick, Vale Press, Stratford District Council, Stonehouse Dental Practice, The Shakespeare Centre, Volvo Financial Services, British Motor Heritage Ltd, Birmingham Children’s Hospital and Chin Badger Media.
Ellie spent her week at Boddington C of E Primary Academy; she enjoyed getting involved in many of the activities at the school, including Sports Day (hence her sports kit in the photo!).

You may be fooled into thinking that the BBC has recruited a new presenter, but it is in fact Year 12 student Flynn! Flynn (who is studying A Level Media) was lucky enough to experience a tour of the BBC studios as part of his work experience. I’m sure you will agree that he looks a natural behind the news desk!
“When the well’s dry, we know the worth of water.” – Benjamin Franklin
Thankfully the well in Sixth Form will never be dry! Our new water fountain was recently installed and has been a fantastic addition to the Sixth Form Centre. Back in February students and staff came dressed in blue to raise money for the new fountain, with former Head Boy Louis Parr showing particular persistence to ensure it was ordered and installed. Thank you Louis!

Year 13 Dinner Dance 2023
On Thursday 13th July Year 13 students and members of staff gathered at The Crowne Plaza Hotel in Stratford-Upon-Avon for the Leavers Dinner Dance 2023. Thankfully the weather was kind and the students were able to enjoy a drink on the terrace as well as a three course meal and disco. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Year 13 students Vicky Caputa and Scarlett Bennett who organised the decorations for the room and tables. A wonderful evening was had by all and it was the perfect way to commemorate their time at CCS. Good luck Year 13!
And finally…
We cannot forget how we have all been impacted by the unimaginable tragedy of losing three of our much loved students at the start of this term. We will continue to cherish the memories we all have of Frank, Tilly and Harry and celebrate their rich and varied contributions to all of our lives.