Twilight Tuesdays, Thailand and water fountains all feature in our newsletter this term!
Christmas Kindness for Project 3580
We begin our newsletter by casting our minds back to Christmas 2022 which already seems like many moons ago!
Year 12 student Morgan decided to sacrifice receiving Christmas gifts from her family in order to raise money for Project 3580 (led by Mr Morland). The project aims to help the children at SDA School in Kissitown, Sierra Leone. Here, Morgan tells us more:
This Christmas, my sister and I decided that we would not have as many presents, instead, the money that would have been spent on these, we wanted to donate to Project 3580. With the money that we donated we were able to help feed the children at the school in Kissitown. We felt that these children needed the money more than us and we wanted to help people who are less fortunate than us.
Morgan-Ruth Jones Year 12

From Chipping Campden to Thailand!
Back in January two former Year 13 students (Francesca and Amelie), kindly returned to CCS to talk to our current students about their volunteering experience in Thailand last summer.
With the help of the ‘Hilda Terry Award’ the girls spent 3 weeks in Thailand, teaching English to Thai children as well as travelling and experiencing Thai culture. They had applied to the school trustees who can choose to give the award to suitable candidates; the trustees generously support a number of post-16 students each year, enabling groups and individuals to gain a whole range of life experiences.
Francesca and Amelie spoke about how they had applied to the trustees and how the money had helped them realise their dream trip. They also described their experiences in Thailand and the benefits of volunteering work.

Year 13 Finance Workshop
As part of their Life Learning, Year 13 attended a finance workshop led by Broadway Financial Planning Ltd. They were given information and advice on bank accounts, credit and debit cards, as well as pensions and savings.
Twilight Tuesdays!
Our super-curricular talks, Twilight Tuesdays, continue weekly in the new theatre from 3.45-4.30pm and this term we have enjoyed input from a BBC reporter, BBC film journalist, Artificial Intelligence expert and a county cricketer to name but a few.
The aims of the programme are to broaden and deepen the students’ awareness of the possibilities beyond school and to give the opportunities to engage in meaningful discussion and debate. In the current climate of competitive applications for post-18 options we aim to give our students the edge! All are welcome and the programme is publicised widely on the school network.
We would also like to extend our gratitude to our Parents Association for supporting this venture.

Welcome back Renee
We were delighted to welcome back Renee who left CCS Sixth Form nearly two years ago. Renee is now studying Medicine at Cardiff University; luckily for us she happily agreed to pay us a visit to speak to a group of Sixth Form and lower school students all interested in pursuing a career within a medical profession.
Blue Day!
On the 3rd February students and staff came dressed in blue to raise money for a new water fountain in the Sixth Form Centre. A total of £603 was raised and we’re looking forward to having a supply of fresh drinking water available for all to use.

Year 12 Geography Trip
In order to see ‘Geography in action’ 41 Year 12 Geography students visited Salford in January to see how an area that has undergone redevelopment and rebranding has changed over time. After studying the area in the classroom, the trip gave students the opportunity to hone their fieldwork skills and check that what they had been told in school translated into what they saw with their own eyes.

Auschwitz Visit
Year 12 History students’ Tyler and Poppy were given the opportunity to travel to Poland in order to visit Auschwitz and Birkenau.
After an early start to the day, Poppy and I left Birmingham Airport for Krakow, Poland. Here we visited Oświęcim, Auschwitz I and the extermination camp Birkenau. We looked at Jewish life prior to the war and took a guided tour around the camp. Upon our return we attended an online seminar in which we were able to hear from a Holocaust survivor.
Tyler Huddleston Year 12
Tyler also attended our Twilight Tuesday delivered by Dr Barbara Warnock from the Wiener Holocaust Library.

Paris Trip 2023
Sixth Form/Yr 11 trip (10-13th March) – Mrs Matelet fills us in on this wonderful trip!
After a very early start under the snow and a long train journey from Honeybourne train station to Gare du Nord, we arrived in the very lively city of Paris. Making our way to our hotel in the North of Paris by métro during rush hour was an experience! Soon after having booked into our hotel and unpacked, we made our way to central Paris, near the beautifully lit up Notre Dame Cathedral, where our first meal was booked.
On Saturday morning, feeling slightly more refreshed, we made our way to our cruise on the Seine on the famous Bateaux-Mouches: as most of the major sites are situated along the Seine, it was a great opportunity to admire this beautiful city. One of the highlights of the day was going to the top of the Montparnasse Tower: the views were breathtaking! Towards the end of the afternoon, we enjoyed exploring the Musée d’Orsay, originally an impressive Beaux Arts railway station which now holds mainly French art from 1848 to 1914, including some of the most famous pieces of art from the Impressionist painters. We ended the day on a high note, having feasted on crèpes (French pancakes), followed by an opportunity to marvel at the twinkling Eiffel Tower by night. A great opportunity for some stunning photos!
On Sunday morning, we explored Le Musée du Louvre, the largest museum in the world, with its glass pyramid in the middle of its opulent palace buildings which used to be the main residence of French Kings. Needless to say, we didn’t have time to explore everything but all of us made sure that we saw the Mona Lisa (La Joconde in French). After our visit, we made our way along the river Seine towards Notre Dame and the Quartier Latin, the oldest part of Paris, to have lunch. We also had a look at the Panthéon, where many famous French men and women are buried. In the afternoon, students had time to do some shopping in the famous Galeries Lafayette.
On Monday morning, we made our way to the famous Avenue des Champs Elysées and, after going to the top of the Arc de Triomphe for some more stunning views, we strolled all the way to the other end of the Avenue, to Place de La Concorde. Like the Eiffel Tower, the Avenue is a symbol of Paris, lined with prestigious restaurants and luxury boutiques. Most of us had run out of money by then, but we couldn’t resist going into La Durée, a beautiful cake shop which specialises in macarons.
We made our way back to the Eurostar in the afternoon, having walked over 50km, spoken and listened to a lot of French, sampled French specialities such as moules, crème brûlée and crèpes, and enjoyed so many beautiful sights in this historical and iconic city.

An Introduction to Norland
In February we welcomed Kate Morgan from Norland College (which is based in Bath). Kate spoke to a group of Sixth Form and Year 11 students all interested in careers within health care, working with children etc. The presentation covered lots of information about becoming a Norland Nanny including how to apply, the course content, and other opportunities such as working abroad. Kate also discussed how the profession can lead into other career paths including within hospitals and other healthcare settings.

All Aboard!
Year 12 student Poppy is pursuing her passion while gaining valuable work experience at the same time.
I started volunteering on the Talyllyn railway when I was about three years old as I have a passion for heritage steam engines, in the beginning I would help by keeping the running line clear from vegetation. When I was old enough I joined a training programme which would enable me to be part of the main stream volunteering departments. Since graduating the training programme I now travel to Wales regularly during the school holidays to pursue my passion of steam engines; I have responsibility for guarding the trains and I am also learning to fire them.
Poppy Wakeham Year 12

Young Game Designer Award Scheme
Year 13 student Matthew gives us an update on where the group are with their entry.
In October last year, we decided to invite sixth form students to partake in a national competition. We had a good group of 10 students who all took part from those first meetings before October half term and just a few weeks ago submitted their games and concepts to the British Academy of Film and the Arts as part of their Young Game Designer award scheme. On Friday the 17th March, we treated the teams to a fun afternoon of activities and celebrations in the Performing Arts Centre. We now patiently await the results to come back which are scheduled for June this year. If all goes well, the teams should all have a good shot at being finalists which will mean that we will likely get to go down to the BAFTA headquarters to celebrate the finalists and maybe even win. My congratulations go out to all who entered.
Matthew Martin Year 13
UCAS Exhibition 2023
On the 23rd March over 150 Year 12 students attended the UCAS Exhibition at Worcester University. It provided them with an excellent opportunity to chat with UCAS experts, university representatives and employers.

‘It Happens Education’ Workshop
As part of Year 12’s Life Learning, we welcomed Zoe Shuttleworth from It Happens Education. Zoe delivered a presentation on ‘Freedom & Festivals’ which included advice and information on illegal substances, spiking, and how to keep yourself and your friends safe.

Congratulations Alice!
We end our newsletter with a big congratulations to Year 13 student Alice Brown! Alice recently found out that she has been accepted into the prestigious London Contemporary Dance School:
Following an audition and interview, I am really excited to have been offered a place at the London Contemporary Dance School. LCDS is an internationally renowned dance conservatoire, located in Central London at ‘The Place’, a historic centre for dance and the performing arts. I will be starting in September on their ‘BA (Hons) In Contemporary Dance’, a three-year degree course which combines “the study of dance practices, choreography, performance, contextual and professional studies, and dance science”, and accepts roughly 75 students each year. I can’t wait to take this next step in becoming a professional dancer!
Alice Brown Year 13
We wish Alice lots of luck with her next dance adventure!